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Old Insiders20.10.2015


“In this digital age, we live through our screens, documenting the moment. We no longer look; we film. We no longer listen; we tape. And we no longer talk; we post.” – Alber ElbazLanvin迷有眼福由Alber Elbaz(Artistic Director of Lanvin)統籌的Lanvin Photo Exhibition於9月9日至10月31日假座於巴黎Maison Europeenne de la Photographie舉行。攝影展共超過350張相片由攝影大師們如But Sou Lai, Mark Leibowitz, Katy Reiss, James Bort, Juliette Da Cuncha和Alex Koo等猛人操刀把”passion for fashion”演繹得淋漓盡致。展品中包括花生show的making of, 台前幕後的精彩時刻, Lanvin的時尚美學盡現眼前。喜歡視覺藝術的朋友, 沒空去巴黎走一趟? 即睇….

Text: Denise SetoLanvin迷有眼福Lanvin迷有眼福

